Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Okay! In a little over a week I will be attending my 20 year class reunion. It has been a long time coming and I am excited about connecting with old friends that I haven't seen in so many years. But it also makes me feel a little old. Many of my classmates have children close to the same age we were when we graduated from high school. Now their children are about to embark on a journey that I took 20 YEARS ago. I don't even have children yet and some of my classmates are even grandparents!!!

In addition to the children factor that is aging me by the second, I also am not sure how I it will feel to be with people that remember me as an insecure teenager. In may ways I am nothing like that person and yet...I feel exactly the same. Is that weird? I don't know but I'm having so many thoughts and the nerves are starting to set in. Not in a bad way but in a "I don't know what to expect" kind of way.

Other thoughts on my mind are my career, love life, and my spiritual development. As the summer comes to a close I plan to start praying and seeking guidance on the next phase of my life. There are a lot of changes that I want to make but don't want to make any hasty decisions. I don't know what is next for me but I'm waiting in anticipating for what is next.

Stay tuned...