Friday, December 14, 2012

Just checking in!

Yes it has been a while and a lot has happened since my last post. I have relocated once again, changed jobs, changed relationships, started TWO businesses and made a whole lotta missteps in the mix! Even with everything going on I am still pushing and pressing toward a new improved me. The first part of my makeover is an internal one. Working in changing how I think and what I speak. I have been practicing watching my words for a while now but just recently began the process of watching my thoughts. It is so true that you can have what you say and you are what you think! I purpose to guard my thoughts and my tongue so that I always say things with purpose. I will be a success and have that Midas touch: EVERYTHING I TOUCH TURNS TO GOLD!!! Pray for me as I pray for you friends. Please and love! KikiS.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lifestyle Makeover Self Challenge!

I posted a video on the YT a couple of weeks ago about my pursuit of being healthy called Weight Loss Self Challenge (08-08-2012). I have been doing my research and I have decided to take it to another level and make a total lifestyle makeover...on the inside and the outside. Starting with the way I think and what I put in my body, my appearance, my career and finances, and even my associations and who I allow in my space. I am doing a total overhaul!

For a while now I have had some things on my heart that I want to to do but I have not acted on them.  Its now time for me to GO GET IT! 

Oh I have been working on life all along (it's called living) but I really haven't pursued my desired with my all. So for the last month or so I have been praying and searching and researching and planning. I have been reading and watching videos and educating myself in preparation of this monumental task that I am working on.

Self-work is hard work! It takes something that I struggle with - DISCIPLINE! I know this is not going to happen overnight so I am making plans and setting goals to accomplish this makeover. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I've Got a Feeling!

What's up peeps!  I'm chillin myself.  Relaxing at the end of a productive and not complaining one bit!  I have that feeling know that feeling that you get when you know something is about to happen?  I've got a feeling that some things are going to change very soon.  FOR THE GOOD, BETTER, and FOR THE BEST!!! 

When you decide to let go and let GOD handle it - when you REALLY let go - you will find a peace.  You won't be able to explain it, people won't understand, and when you let go many will think you are crazy!  If you feel yourself under pressure and think there is no way out, ask yourself these:  Why don't I just let it go?  Why am I holding onto something that is bringing me so much stress?  What's the BEST that can happen if I do let go?  Then go on and pursue that BEST!  Many people find themselfs in that area of STUCK and they don't see a way around it but I am here to tell you:  LET IT GO!  I got a feeling that that someone reading this wants to!  I got a feeling that you need to!  And...I got a feeling that if you do you will have more joy and purpose than you ever thought possible. 

That's why I did!  You see since I turned 40 and think I'm grown now LOL!  It feels good to finally FEEL grown and to be able to make decisions without the guilt or anxiety of actually caring what other's think about what I do with my life.  I make decisions that please me and seek those things that make me happy. I decided that I will let no one or anything try to suck the joy from my life!  I am in hot pursuit of my dreams and trying to get my HUSTLE and FLOW on! :-)

Hustle and Flow with me!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

For Colored Girls Who Considered (or Reconsidered) the Creamy Crack When the Afro Wasn’t Enough…

This topic came to me a long time ago and I have been racking my brain ever since to figure out how to express it.  I had this idea to have a gathering about it or a workshop where I got a group of sisters together to discuss the title and what is says to them.  In my head the discussion would be more about hair and self esteem and our perception of the afro.  What is it with black girls and their hair anyway!?

I guess it all starts with my own natural hair story.  My transitioning process began long before I stopped relaxing my hair.  In fact it started back in 1996 when my sister met one of her best buds in college who happened to stop relaxing her hair in high school.  Her hair was long, healthy and beautiful.  A couple of years later in 1998 my sister decided to transition as well began bugging me about giving up the creamy crack!  I was like “Huh Uh!  I ain’t doin’ that!” but then somewhere along the way my mind changed.  I really can’t pinpoint what changed and how it changed but it just did.  I started thinking about how laborious it was to relax my hair and how expensive it was to go to the salon to have it done only to have to repeat the process of having to do it all over again 6 weeks later.  I began to resent the process and decided that as long as I can pull my hair back into a ponytail and smooth the edges that I was not going to relax it.  Now it is 3 years later and I still am able to smooth my edges.

I have nothing against relaxers.  I just don’t like the fact that it is temporary and high maintenance is expensive.  Don’t get me wrong, natural hair is VERY high maintenance and can be just as expensive if you become a product junky.  But I have learned how to manage my hair without all of those high cost products that only seem to clutter up my cabinets.  I am in PJ recovery LOL!  But with all the frustrations and ups and downs I have experienced I still have not gone back to the creamy crack.  Now I have thought about it…several times…but I am satisfied with my hair and the texture that it is.

But I do wonder when I hear about others that go back and their reasoning for why they do.  Why do people do it?  They begin or go through the transitioning process only to go back to relaxing their hair.  I know there are some of my sisters that like being versatile with their hair.  But what about the others, the ones that started the process with such determination only to return to relaxing their hair.  I can’t help to think about the social stigma that is associated to natural hair and how this somehow could be connected to self esteem.  Is our perception of who we are and how we look connected to how others see our hair?  Is it that we don’t feel pretty with natural hair?  This subject has me wanting to have an open dialog about this subject.  What do you think?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It is well...

I find myself at a crossroad once again.  In life we come to them often.  Sometimes the route to choose is easy and others are hard.  Well it looks like I am there again and once again I am scared to move.  Yes I admit it!  I am SCARED! 

Scared of making another wrong decision!
Scared of what others may think!
Scared to stay and scared to go!

I know what I want to do...but is it the right decision?  As will all other crossroad experiences all I can do is PRAY!  In past experiences I have let go and God has pointed me in the right direction.  Well I thought this was the direction he wanted me in but guess what I was wrong.  Sometimes the easy road is not God's answer.  Of course I should have known that but fear can cloud your judgment and clog the ears.  But my instincts kept telling me that something was not right.  I asked God to open my eyes to some things and show me some things.  What I didn't bargain for was that I would not be prepared for what I found out or the consequences of knowing...

The hardest thing to do is to trust God and your instincts.  After all I do believe it is the Holy Spirit that is guiding my instincts anyway.  The problem is I keep getting my will mixed up with what His.  Right now all I can do is ask for forgiveness and make it right somehow. 

Once again it is time to LET GO AND LET GOD! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

40 and Fabulous!!!

Yes I turned 40 this year...I don't feel like it though!  I don't know what I was expecting.  Once it hit me I was a little nervous then I came to the conclusion that I am officially grown.  I am more secure in who I am than I've ever been in my life.  My perspective on life has evolved.  I am able to take an objective view of things and how life can be...if you recognize and work at it!

I was thinking this morning about the current goals I want to work toward for the rest of the year.  After thinking about it I could only come with two:
  1. Lose Weight/Feel Great!
  2. Build Business/Pursue Self Employment.
I know as I move forward there will be more things to work on but I think this is plenty at the moment.  Looking forward to sharing my experiences along the way.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1 Month Down! 11 to go!!!

January has been an interesting month!  Had a good month at work and looking forward to turning the BIG FOUR OH in March.  Not much to report but just wanted to check in and post a couple of points I already see for 2012:

  1. An increased need to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) while putting actions to words...
  2. This spring is going to be a new beginning...
  3. And starting this darn diet over is going to be a BEAST!

Wish me luck on all 3 ;-)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!

Just a quick hello to say Happy New Year!  I am so glad to see another year.  My goals for this year is to be more positive, be proactive, and be the best me I can be.  With that being said...

I really want to concentrate on how I approach live and interact with the world around me.  I desire to only focus on things that are good for me.  If that means cutting things (or people) out of my life to be able to do that then so be it.  As I get older I am definitely more concerned with quality over quantity.  Bigger (and flashy) is not always better.  I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself anyway. 

My hopes for this new year is that I continue to grow and experience life with a light heart and positive attitude.  As a great person once said, "Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE!"  Therefore I will purpose to reach to new heights in every area in my life and I encourage all the eyes that read this do the same.  Be blessed!