Well, well, well...this year has flown by! I have been reviewing my list plans that I made at the beginning of the year and although not all of my goals have not been completed they are in full motion. As of now I am busy working toward my goals for 2014. I am making my lists and checking it twice LOL!
As I get older I see my focus and desires for my life have changed. Or should I say evolved! I am at a point in my life where I only want to focus on what's most important to me and I am definitely seeing the benefits of quality over quantity. I see so many people working and sacrificing their time and health for things...THINGS!!! Thinks that they can't take with them and trying to make an impression when the impression has already been made.
I have gotten reflective in my old age LOL! I prefer to look at how I can impact others rather that be led by ambition and status. The only downfall about this revelation is that it has not been lucrative so far in my journey...but by faith I will survive. I fully expect to THRIVE!

Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
iPhone blog 2
Hello peeps! September is here and I'm excitedly waiting for fall, football season, and the holidays. Still working on my inside out makeover and goals. It's hard to stick to it but I'm still plugging along through mistakes and missteps. So far I have lost 15 lbs and my waist is getting smaller. Trying to get business back on track. Planning has already started for 2014! I'm so excited about what the new year has in store for me and my business. Stay tuned and buckle up!!! The Journey continues...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
What is This Country Going to Do NOW!!! (My reflections on the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case)
Well I meant to post at the beginning of the month but time got away from me. Just got finished watching the reading of the verdict in the Zimmerman/Martin case and I am shocked and saddened to say the least. But this I know: George Zimmerman has to live with what he did for the rest of his life. This is a sad fact that some may not understand. Just as many of us have stood in support of the Martin family there have been just as many supporters for Zimmerman and this so called "Stand Your Ground" law that ultimately lead to his release.
In graduate school I learned a lot about the historical significance of laws and how they impact my work as a social worker from a macro (big picture) perspective. As problems arose in our society the need for laws became necessary. Laws are born out of social problems. Point blank period! Once a social problem is deemed big enough to impact the larger society, then there are processes set the path for it first becoming a Bill and then moving forward to become Law.
As I think about Trayvon Martin and his family I look to the lesson that is in this. We must look at this as a social issue - a universal issue - that needs to be addressed as such. The events that led to this evening's decision bring light to the many social problems that this country obviously disagree on. If we all agreed then George Zimmerman would be in jail. It is time for society to redefine the values and issues that are important and then see to it that these things are addressed as a collective.
Instead of complaining about the injustice that was clearly displayed this evening, we must arm ourselves with the knowledge of how laws are formed and more importantly how laws are changed. To learn more about this process check out How Laws Are Made. The unique thing about our political system is that the same processes that led to Zimmerman's acquittal can also be used to stop this injustice from happening again. It just takes some work from a few dedicated and motivated individuals that will be loud enough and diligent enough to see it through. The question is: Who's going to get started to bring the true change needed to ensure the safety and security of our children?
In graduate school I learned a lot about the historical significance of laws and how they impact my work as a social worker from a macro (big picture) perspective. As problems arose in our society the need for laws became necessary. Laws are born out of social problems. Point blank period! Once a social problem is deemed big enough to impact the larger society, then there are processes set the path for it first becoming a Bill and then moving forward to become Law.
As I think about Trayvon Martin and his family I look to the lesson that is in this. We must look at this as a social issue - a universal issue - that needs to be addressed as such. The events that led to this evening's decision bring light to the many social problems that this country obviously disagree on. If we all agreed then George Zimmerman would be in jail. It is time for society to redefine the values and issues that are important and then see to it that these things are addressed as a collective.
Instead of complaining about the injustice that was clearly displayed this evening, we must arm ourselves with the knowledge of how laws are formed and more importantly how laws are changed. To learn more about this process check out How Laws Are Made. The unique thing about our political system is that the same processes that led to Zimmerman's acquittal can also be used to stop this injustice from happening again. It just takes some work from a few dedicated and motivated individuals that will be loud enough and diligent enough to see it through. The question is: Who's going to get started to bring the true change needed to ensure the safety and security of our children?
Friday, June 28, 2013
My passion...
My purpose and passion is helping, mentoring, and teaching people. I guess that's why I became a social worker! This profession is truly a journey with a lot of twists and turns. I feel blessed that I know that I am doing what I was meant to do. Not everyone can say that...
When I am sharing information that can help others get where they want to be I feel my best. It is a unique feeling! I love being able to point people in the right direction. It really is about sharing and not looking for anything in return. Sharing yourself and insight to be a blessing to others is a wonderful thing.
No long post here just thought I would share ;-)
When I am sharing information that can help others get where they want to be I feel my best. It is a unique feeling! I love being able to point people in the right direction. It really is about sharing and not looking for anything in return. Sharing yourself and insight to be a blessing to others is a wonderful thing.
No long post here just thought I would share ;-)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
iPhone blog...
This is my first official iPhone blog post! So with that in mind please forgive the typos LOL!
Anywho...just felt like checking in. Feeling a little blah actually. Have a lot of things I want and need to do but impatient about the time I have to wait to finally see things through. Praying for patience and grace. I'm shifting my focus and shaking off those things and people that are slowing me down. I am recognizing that some people that I considered to be my close friends are not more of associates. Still love them to life but our season has ended it seems. Sometimes friendships are like that. TRUE friends can go 10 years and then call you and the conversation picks up where you left off and it is as if you talked to them yesterday. Seasonal friends are good too but they usually only call when they want something. That's good though because you can always call them when you need something too! Either way they will always have a purpose in your life and that can never be a bad thing. Oh well that's enough rambling for one evening. Until next time...Toodles!!!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Midlife Crisis???
Okay I know it has been a minute...
When I started this blog my goal was to share my thoughts and insights into my life as I continually grow and evolve as the woman I was created to be. As you know, life is a series of twists and turns and although the decisions we make play a huge role in the path that lay before us we still are at the mercy of grace. It is my belief that we are created to serve and to impact someone else. No matter how short or how long a person's life is on this earth, God's plan is met. We may not understand the message because more likely than not the message is not for us to learn. I could say more but then I will be getting deep and totally off the intent of this post (ADD kicking in again LOL!).
Getting back on track!
Looking back over the last few years as I transitioned from being in my 30's and approached my 40's with anxious anticipation I have come to the conclusion that...I am in the throws of a midlife crisis! I didn't see it coming at all! What is a midlife crisis you ask? Well for me it is discovering that the things that I worked so hard for in my 20's and 30's turned out to be so NOT what I wanted or needed to make me happy once I acquired them. Then there are the things that I THOUGHT I would have by now that have not manifested...can you say panic attach waiting to happen?!?! Panic attach has not happened yet because I refuse to let it but I find myself at a unique crossroads full of opportunities and possibilities. The question is...which road do I take??? I need to make a new list of goals and pursue those things that make me happier, healthier, and a more well-rounded person. I am making my list and checking it twice as I pursue my destiny of impacting others.
I know this is not about me and I want to live everyday with that mindset: My life is an example to others! For so long I thought it was about being successful, getting married, having children, etc. Time to refocus priorities...
When I started this blog my goal was to share my thoughts and insights into my life as I continually grow and evolve as the woman I was created to be. As you know, life is a series of twists and turns and although the decisions we make play a huge role in the path that lay before us we still are at the mercy of grace. It is my belief that we are created to serve and to impact someone else. No matter how short or how long a person's life is on this earth, God's plan is met. We may not understand the message because more likely than not the message is not for us to learn. I could say more but then I will be getting deep and totally off the intent of this post (ADD kicking in again LOL!).
Getting back on track!
Looking back over the last few years as I transitioned from being in my 30's and approached my 40's with anxious anticipation I have come to the conclusion that...I am in the throws of a midlife crisis! I didn't see it coming at all! What is a midlife crisis you ask? Well for me it is discovering that the things that I worked so hard for in my 20's and 30's turned out to be so NOT what I wanted or needed to make me happy once I acquired them. Then there are the things that I THOUGHT I would have by now that have not manifested...can you say panic attach waiting to happen?!?! Panic attach has not happened yet because I refuse to let it but I find myself at a unique crossroads full of opportunities and possibilities. The question is...which road do I take??? I need to make a new list of goals and pursue those things that make me happier, healthier, and a more well-rounded person. I am making my list and checking it twice as I pursue my destiny of impacting others.
I know this is not about me and I want to live everyday with that mindset: My life is an example to others! For so long I thought it was about being successful, getting married, having children, etc. Time to refocus priorities...
Monday, April 1, 2013
Don't Be No (April) Fool!
April 1st...
My oh my has this year progressed. March and my birthday have gone and Easter is now behind us and I are looking spring in the face. I love this time of year...warmer days, wash and go's, and - my favorite - Maxi dresses!
As always as the seasons change I reflect more and more on what really matters. When I consider those things from my past that I held in high regard I realize now many are insignificant. What I now see as important is this: Love, Health, and being open to continually Learn are what I now focus my intentions on. Serving and being good to yourself and others, enjoying life and not sweating the small stuff - THAT'S what is important!
It truly amazes me what I thought was important in my twenties and thirties has significantly changed in my 40's. It is really true that priorities and perspectives change as you get older. I can remember a time when I was young and needed a relaxer and I refused to go to the school once (or twice) because I needed a touch up and was having a bad hair day. Wow was I a FOOL...Oh to be young and dumb!!! Today...I don't think I will every return to relaxers. It continues to amaze what people connect to their self-esteem. I could go on but I will save that for part 2 of my "For Colored Girls..." series.
But until then,
Love, Peace, and Hair Grease ;-)
My oh my has this year progressed. March and my birthday have gone and Easter is now behind us and I are looking spring in the face. I love this time of year...warmer days, wash and go's, and - my favorite - Maxi dresses!
As always as the seasons change I reflect more and more on what really matters. When I consider those things from my past that I held in high regard I realize now many are insignificant. What I now see as important is this: Love, Health, and being open to continually Learn are what I now focus my intentions on. Serving and being good to yourself and others, enjoying life and not sweating the small stuff - THAT'S what is important!
It truly amazes me what I thought was important in my twenties and thirties has significantly changed in my 40's. It is really true that priorities and perspectives change as you get older. I can remember a time when I was young and needed a relaxer and I refused to go to the school once (or twice) because I needed a touch up and was having a bad hair day. Wow was I a FOOL...Oh to be young and dumb!!! Today...I don't think I will every return to relaxers. It continues to amaze what people connect to their self-esteem. I could go on but I will save that for part 2 of my "For Colored Girls..." series.
But until then,
Love, Peace, and Hair Grease ;-)
Monday, March 25, 2013
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
This past weekend I celebrated the first anniversary of my
40s. I can’t believe another year has
passed! It seems like we just got over
Christmas and a quarter of the year is gone already. Time surely flies the older you get…
I was sitting here thinking about my commitment to decrease
negative thinking and I have realized that despite the ups and downs that I am
currently experiencing, I am truly happy!
It occurred to me as I quietly celebrated my birthday while spending the
day crocheting for a dear friend – Happiness is a decision. Avoiding negativity has been a tough
challenge and even when you are reframing your thoughts and actions others are
constantly bringing their negative energy to you and if you are not careful
they will take you out of your place of peace.
This has happened several times and let me tell you…the devil has been
busy! But nevertheless I am experiencing
less stress and an old calm demeanor that I almost forgot I had. I thank God for the wisdom that only time can
give me.
I can say that my pursuit of renewing my mind will continue
far beyond this Lenten season. I
challenge everyone to try it. It will
change your life!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
It's Fat Tuesday!!!
Okay so today is “Fat Tuesday” and the last day of Marti
Gras. Although I am not in New Orleans I
am adopting this day as a day to eat as much and get as fat as I please for
tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the first day of Lent.
Lent…for years I have given up various things as a
reminder of what Christ sacrificed for us.
Even the small discomfort of giving up something for 40 days doesn’t
compare to HIS sacrifice but when I observe this holiday I feel more connected
to God. I am committing to give up a lot
this year: Negativity and Bad Foods…everything
from sugary goodies to fried foods. Fried
foods and sweet tea are my weaknesses so this is really gonna be HARD but I
know it will be good for me in the long run.
I plan to start off with a cleanse and go from there.
The negative thinking is going to be tough too. I was listening to The Secret and apparently
my way of thinking positive was flawed.
I am going to have to incorporate my cognitive behavioral techniques to
retrain my thought patterns and adopt positive confessions and speaking it as
if it already is. Ever hear the term “say
it til you see it” then you know what I’m talking about. Here are the some of the scriptures I will be
focusing on during the season of Lent:
Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NKJV)
The Just Live by Faith
Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write
the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For
the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it
will not lie. Though it tarries, wait
for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Matthew 6:32-34 (NKJV)
For after all these things the Gentiles
seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall
be added to you. Therefore do not worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for
the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV)
Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek,
and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Mark 11:22-25 (NKJV)
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to
you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and
does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be
done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you,
whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you
will have them. And whenever you stand
praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in
heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.
But until then I am going to enjoy my favs as I prepare
to go cold turkey in the morning. I am
shaking my head as I type. Although I
don’t think I will be hauling off and being negative all day (not my style
LOL). Until next time...
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Welcome 2013!!!
Happy Happy New Year!!! I am so excited to what God has for me in this new year. I have so much that I want to do and I have written all of my goals down along with an action plan as to how to pursue them! Of course the makeover self challenge is in full effect. I have started at the top and working my way down! I am continually working toward renewing my mind and watching what I think about myself, situations, and others. If you are reading this and you never thought of doing a mindset makeover I strongly suggest you do! You are what you THINK and you have what you SAY!!! For my mindset makeover I am being vigilant in catching when I have negative thoughts and shifting that thought into positive statements to speak life into my LIFE and the life of others.
Continuing with the head to toe makeover theme, I have officially made over my hair routine and established a new regimen to follow to grow and nurture my hair. As a recovering PJ (product junky) I had to really look at the necessity of all of the products that I was buying and decided that I really only need the basics and my hair is thanking me for it!
Of course I have other plans in the making but I will save the details for later. Stay tuned!!!
Continuing with the head to toe makeover theme, I have officially made over my hair routine and established a new regimen to follow to grow and nurture my hair. As a recovering PJ (product junky) I had to really look at the necessity of all of the products that I was buying and decided that I really only need the basics and my hair is thanking me for it!
Of course I have other plans in the making but I will save the details for later. Stay tuned!!!
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