Well, well, well...this year has flown by! I have been reviewing my list plans that I made at the beginning of the year and although not all of my goals have not been completed they are in full motion. As of now I am busy working toward my goals for 2014. I am making my lists and checking it twice LOL!
As I get older I see my focus and desires for my life have changed. Or should I say evolved! I am at a point in my life where I only want to focus on what's most important to me and I am definitely seeing the benefits of quality over quantity. I see so many people working and sacrificing their time and health for things...THINGS!!! Thinks that they can't take with them and trying to make an impression when the impression has already been made.
I have gotten reflective in my old age LOL! I prefer to look at how I can impact others rather that be led by ambition and status. The only downfall about this revelation is that it has not been lucrative so far in my journey...but by faith I will survive. I fully expect to THRIVE!