Okay so it's been a minute and I have to admit...I've only been focusing on my hair and not on my weight loss but that is gonna change real soon. I gonna do SOMETHING. I guess the first thing is going back to the gym. Not feeling it but I have to do it. My body is aching and I think I am truly at my heaviest weight in all of my life! :-O
But as we all know...we change when we start taking action!!! So there is no more talking about it. I gotta be about it!!! About to make a plan and go for it! Wish me luck! :-D

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Can you believe the year is half over!?!?
Wew! This has been a busy summer! I have been all over the world and back again and I enjoyed every minute of it! From the Bahamas to New Orleans and back again I have had a ball! After the traveling dust has settled, I still have a lot to work on and I am still in my process of finding my way to grow in every area of my life. So far I've gone back and forth on my hair and weight loss efforts and I am still stagnant in both areas. But I have a plan...
As I type I'm deep conditioning my hair and the decision (for now lol) is to utilize twists/twistout regime until I start seeing the growth that I am looking for.
As for weight loss, I was instructed by my doctor to give the low carb method another try so I am in the process of looking at a modified version that is not too restrictive and easy to follow along with an exercise program. By the way I haven't been to the gym in months (that's gotta change!)
As for my career...I'm looking at a move soon if all goes well. Once I know more I will blog all about it and my next move regarding professional and financial development.
It is apparent that I have to be a woman with a plan to keep it all together. I haven't done well with that so far this year. Which brings me to the realization that this year is over half over!!! only 5 months til Christmas!! :-o
Oh well...I am determined to strive to achieve my goals the second half of the year as I look toward my 40th birthday. I am remaining positive and optimistic as I work on being the best me i can be.
Until next time folks...Toodles!!
Kiki S.
As I type I'm deep conditioning my hair and the decision (for now lol) is to utilize twists/twistout regime until I start seeing the growth that I am looking for.
As for weight loss, I was instructed by my doctor to give the low carb method another try so I am in the process of looking at a modified version that is not too restrictive and easy to follow along with an exercise program. By the way I haven't been to the gym in months (that's gotta change!)
As for my career...I'm looking at a move soon if all goes well. Once I know more I will blog all about it and my next move regarding professional and financial development.
It is apparent that I have to be a woman with a plan to keep it all together. I haven't done well with that so far this year. Which brings me to the realization that this year is over half over!!! only 5 months til Christmas!! :-o
Oh well...I am determined to strive to achieve my goals the second half of the year as I look toward my 40th birthday. I am remaining positive and optimistic as I work on being the best me i can be.
Until next time folks...Toodles!!
Kiki S.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I LOVE Saturdays!!!
Don't you just love that feeling of not having to be anywhere and being able to take your time? If you don't know what I'm talking about then maybe you should reconsider the possibility...
Okay I just was popping in for a second. Back to enjoying my weekend. Before I go I want to wish all of the mothers out there a very happy mother's day. Hopefully you are enjoying a carefree day as well!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Update...Yeah its been a minute!
Okay! So it has been a while now and a lot has happened since my last post. First thing to happen is that I had another birthday in March, celebrating the 10th anniversary of my 29th birthday (hahaha). I am already planning my '40 is the new 30'(aka 1st delayed anniversary of my 30th birthday) for next year. I haven't decided on a location but options right now are Vegas, Miami, or somewhere in the Carribean. I am also still working on trying to be healthy and I was on my 'high school skinny' kick by going to the gym until...I ended up having gall bladder surgery unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I was in so much pain you can't tell me I wasn't in labor LOL! I am still trying to get back to my old self. I've only been to the gym once since my surgery but next week begins a new month so Operation HSS will be back in effect! ;-)
As for my hair...I am still working out my regime and I have been lazy about it. I am really liking the Shea Moisture products but prefer the smell of the coconut and hibiscus line but I like the results I get from the raw shea butter line. The deep treatment masque works great and the shampoo is very moisturizing for a sulfate free shampoo. I also am loving the protective mist bodifier by Taliah Waajid/Black Earth Products. I tried their curly curl cream and it works really well and reminds me of my beloved QP Elasta Mango and Olive Oil Moisturizer but it is much thicker and provides a stretch that I think I like. Will have to use a few more times before deciding if I will buy it again but so far, so good. I really am trying to use up the products I have on hand before purchasing new ones but I keep getting tempted. I really am a closet product junkie LOL!
Well that's all I have for now! I will be updating with my total wellness plan shortly. I also will post pics of my progress. Wish me luck!
Until next time...TTYL!
As for my hair...I am still working out my regime and I have been lazy about it. I am really liking the Shea Moisture products but prefer the smell of the coconut and hibiscus line but I like the results I get from the raw shea butter line. The deep treatment masque works great and the shampoo is very moisturizing for a sulfate free shampoo. I also am loving the protective mist bodifier by Taliah Waajid/Black Earth Products. I tried their curly curl cream and it works really well and reminds me of my beloved QP Elasta Mango and Olive Oil Moisturizer but it is much thicker and provides a stretch that I think I like. Will have to use a few more times before deciding if I will buy it again but so far, so good. I really am trying to use up the products I have on hand before purchasing new ones but I keep getting tempted. I really am a closet product junkie LOL!
Well that's all I have for now! I will be updating with my total wellness plan shortly. I also will post pics of my progress. Wish me luck!
Until next time...TTYL!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Life Long Friendships
Friends...how many of us have them!
Okay I couldn't resist LOL! But I really did want to pop in and give a quick shout out to my few but fabulous friends that have been there with me throughout the years. These last few years have been stressful but and there have been times that I didn't feel close to anyone but God always steps in and reminds me who really is in my corner and who has my back. I thank God for the people that He has brought into my life and I am grateful for those friends that have stood the test of time. Thank you my sisters and brothers for being there for me and lending an ear when I needed to whine and moan and then reminding me of what I have and who I am. I love yall!!!
Okay I couldn't resist LOL! But I really did want to pop in and give a quick shout out to my few but fabulous friends that have been there with me throughout the years. These last few years have been stressful but and there have been times that I didn't feel close to anyone but God always steps in and reminds me who really is in my corner and who has my back. I thank God for the people that He has brought into my life and I am grateful for those friends that have stood the test of time. Thank you my sisters and brothers for being there for me and lending an ear when I needed to whine and moan and then reminding me of what I have and who I am. I love yall!!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Total Health Care Regime!
Okay so I didn't get to come back as soon as I anticipated. In case you didn't know SC had a major snowstorm complete with thunder the second week of the new year. Work has been crazy and I finally starting working on that online doctoral program. So...
I had posted on Facebook the first of the year that I was going to start Operation High School Skinny. Of course I'd be happy if I just got to a comfortable and healthy weight but I was looking my high school prom pic and I was so cute back then that I thought the title was fitting at the time. In the past I've done low carb, and that does work for me, but I know that my goals should really surround life-long healthy habits that includes exercise...and that is and has always been an issue with me. Dare I say that I am a lazy heffa! (Yeah I admit it!)
My first task is to find a workout program that I can work into my busy schedule. Everyone is on the Zumba craze and there are classes everywhere. I even have the videos! (Had them for months and have only viewed them maybe twice! SMH). I figure if I can do some cardio in the morning (maybe walking or an aeorobic video) and then do a class in the evening I'll be on my way. I figure once I get my schedule set and start making better food choices then I'll be on the right track!
As for the hair...I've been stalking YouTube for ideas and information and realize that their are a lot of perspectives on how to care and maintain natural black hair. I want my hair to grow so I need to start being more gentle with it. I have been looking at different products and techniques and think I have some good ideas about how to grow healthy natural hair. Shopping for products has been fun but I fear that I am at serious risk of becoming a product junkie LOL! My hair has always been quick to grow out but it tends to shed/pop a lot so I know it is how I'm handling it that's causing the problems. Since I BC'ed in April of 2010 I had steady growth but now I want to take it to the next level. And for that I need a regiment!
My first regiment to wash and condition my hair weekly and deep condition once a month. For weekly washes I will start off doing a Pre-Poo with conditioner and oils before detangling and washing in the shower. I will condition again in the shower and then once done I will section off and then apply leave-in, braid each section, seal with oil and then let air dry. After that is where it gets tricky because I tend to pay in my hair all week trying out different stuff I see on YT. I need to keep it simple especially since it is still cold and getting longer and more prone to breakage.
So styles and maintainance are my to big issues. I will do more research and let yall know what's up with the hair and the healthy lifestyle.
Until then...Ta Ta for Now (TTFN)!!!
I had posted on Facebook the first of the year that I was going to start Operation High School Skinny. Of course I'd be happy if I just got to a comfortable and healthy weight but I was looking my high school prom pic and I was so cute back then that I thought the title was fitting at the time. In the past I've done low carb, and that does work for me, but I know that my goals should really surround life-long healthy habits that includes exercise...and that is and has always been an issue with me. Dare I say that I am a lazy heffa! (Yeah I admit it!)
My first task is to find a workout program that I can work into my busy schedule. Everyone is on the Zumba craze and there are classes everywhere. I even have the videos! (Had them for months and have only viewed them maybe twice! SMH). I figure if I can do some cardio in the morning (maybe walking or an aeorobic video) and then do a class in the evening I'll be on my way. I figure once I get my schedule set and start making better food choices then I'll be on the right track!
As for the hair...I've been stalking YouTube for ideas and information and realize that their are a lot of perspectives on how to care and maintain natural black hair. I want my hair to grow so I need to start being more gentle with it. I have been looking at different products and techniques and think I have some good ideas about how to grow healthy natural hair. Shopping for products has been fun but I fear that I am at serious risk of becoming a product junkie LOL! My hair has always been quick to grow out but it tends to shed/pop a lot so I know it is how I'm handling it that's causing the problems. Since I BC'ed in April of 2010 I had steady growth but now I want to take it to the next level. And for that I need a regiment!
My first regiment to wash and condition my hair weekly and deep condition once a month. For weekly washes I will start off doing a Pre-Poo with conditioner and oils before detangling and washing in the shower. I will condition again in the shower and then once done I will section off and then apply leave-in, braid each section, seal with oil and then let air dry. After that is where it gets tricky because I tend to pay in my hair all week trying out different stuff I see on YT. I need to keep it simple especially since it is still cold and getting longer and more prone to breakage.
So styles and maintainance are my to big issues. I will do more research and let yall know what's up with the hair and the healthy lifestyle.
Until then...Ta Ta for Now (TTFN)!!!
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