Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Total Health Care Regime!

Okay so I didn't get to come back as soon as I anticipated. In case you didn't know SC had a major snowstorm complete with thunder the second week of the new year. Work has been crazy and I finally starting working on that online doctoral program. So...

I had posted on Facebook the first of the year that I was going to start Operation High School Skinny. Of course I'd be happy if I just got to a comfortable and healthy weight but I was looking my high school prom pic and I was so cute back then that I thought the title was fitting at the time. In the past I've done low carb, and that does work for me, but I know that my goals should really surround life-long healthy habits that includes exercise...and that is and has always been an issue with me. Dare I say that I am a lazy heffa! (Yeah I admit it!)

My first task is to find a workout program that I can work into my busy schedule. Everyone is on the Zumba craze and there are classes everywhere. I even have the videos! (Had them for months and have only viewed them maybe twice! SMH). I figure if I can do some cardio in the morning (maybe walking or an aeorobic video) and then do a class in the evening I'll be on my way. I figure once I get my schedule set and start making better food choices then I'll be on the right track!

As for the hair...I've been stalking YouTube for ideas and information and realize that their are a lot of perspectives on how to care and maintain natural black hair. I want my hair to grow so I need to start being more gentle with it. I have been looking at different products and techniques and think I have some good ideas about how to grow healthy natural hair. Shopping for products has been fun but I fear that I am at serious risk of becoming a product junkie LOL! My hair has always been quick to grow out but it tends to shed/pop a lot so I know it is how I'm handling it that's causing the problems. Since I BC'ed in April of 2010 I had steady growth but now I want to take it to the next level. And for that I need a regiment!

My first regiment to wash and condition my hair weekly and deep condition once a month. For weekly washes I will start off doing a Pre-Poo with conditioner and oils before detangling and washing in the shower. I will condition again in the shower and then once done I will section off and then apply leave-in, braid each section, seal with oil and then let air dry. After that is where it gets tricky because I tend to pay in my hair all week trying out different stuff I see on YT. I need to keep it simple especially since it is still cold and getting longer and more prone to breakage.

So styles and maintainance are my to big issues. I will do more research and let yall know what's up with the hair and the healthy lifestyle.

Until then...Ta Ta for Now (TTFN)!!!


  1. hey girl! its sinkittyvixen from lcf.. decided to check up on u and found yourr blog :)

  2. Hey girl! How have you been? Yes it is me! I need to get back to my LCF roots! LOL!

  3. Love what you have over here. Have you tried the wii fit? We love ours and it does work.
