Friday, January 22, 2010

Weighing In!

Okay so I'm on this new healthy lifestyle renewal thing right. All natural hair, eating healthy, etc. I've lost 7 lbs. so far and now all I need to do is start exercising. My first goal is to lose 25 lbs. by my birthday in March. So far I am doing well but I know I can do more.

Hair is growing at a steady pace. I haven't had a relaxer since the end of August. Blown out I have about 2 inches of new growth. I am trying to decide on braids to wear until it grows to about shoulder length. I want to be able to wear a afro or straight styles. Knowing me I will most likely want to do braids for the summer for the ease and low maintainance. Summers in SC are so humid and I know my curls will not always cooperate.

I want to weight until March to get the braids but I was thinking about getting them now so I can be free to start that exercise thing. You know a sista will have trouble trying to upkeep a transitioning hair and working out. I will have to figure out something.

My next step in my healthy lifestyle renewal is to find a new church home. I have been neglecting my spirituality and I need to get back on track. Gotta get on the ball with advancing the career goals as well. More updates soon to come! ;-)

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